Felicia Pratto, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: felicia.pratto@uconn.edu
Research Interests
- Intergroup Relations
- Dynamics of Power
- Social Cognition
Stephanie Milan, PhD
Psychological Science Department
Email: stephanie.milan@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Broadly, my research and clinical work is aimed at promoting positive outcomes among families at heightened risk due to poverty and environmental stressors (e.g., exposure to violence).
Hart Blanton, PhD
Department of Communication (Texas A&M)
Research Interests
1) Health Communication, 2) social, normative, and media influence, 3) attitude change and attitude-behavior modeling, and 4) measurement, assessment, and research methodology.
John Christensen, PhD
Communications Department
Email: john.christensen@uconn.edu
Research Interests
The majority of my research seeks to reduce racial minority and LGBT health disparities through the use of new communication technologies – primarily within the domains of nutrition, substance abuse, and HIV-prevention.
Ofer Harel, PhD
Statistics Department
Email: ofer.harel@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Dr. Harel has methodological expertise in the areas of missing data techniques, diagnostic tests, longitudinal studies, bayesian methods, sampling techniques, mixture models, latent class analysis, and statistical consulting.
Meg Gerrard, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: meg.gerrard@uconn.edu
Research Interests
I am a health psychologist specializing in developmental trajectories of health and health-risk behaviors.My primary area of research over the last 15 years has been health risk and health promoting factors of African American adolescents and emerging adults.
Nairan Ramirez-Esparza, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: nairan.ramirez@uconn.edu
Research Interests
- Culture, Language, and Personality
- Culture, Language, and Health
- Culture, Language, and Development
Frederick Gibbons, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: rick.gibbons@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Health and clinical applications of social psychology, social comparison, and health-risk behaviors.
Tania Huedo-Medina, PhD
Biostatistics Department
Email: tania.huedo-medina@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Dr. Huedo-Medina’s research interests are involved on refining the statistical techniques related to evidence-based methodology, particularly, in developing new methods for meta-analysis and mixed-effects models
Amy Gorin, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department and Director of InCHIP
Email: amy.gorin@uconn.edu
Research Interests
- Treatment strategies to improve long-term weight loss and maintenanc
- Motivational and environmental processes that affect weight control.
- Social influences on weight, eating, and physical activity.
Seth Kalichman, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: seth.k@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Professor Kalichman’s research focuses on all aspects of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. He devotes all of his research time to behavioral and social aspects of HIV/AIDS in the US and South Africa. His research is committed to developing and testing interventions to prevent the spread of HIV and assist people living with HIV to live long and healthy lives through increasing access to health care, improving retention to health care, and increasing life-long medication adherence.
Debarchana Ghosh, PhD
Geography Department
Email: debarchana.ghosh@uconn.edu
Research Interests
- Environmental Health
- Public Health
- Quantitative Analysis
- Spatial Epidemiology
Crystal Park, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: crystal.park@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Stress, Coping, and Health; Meaning Making; Psychology of Religion and Spirituality; Trauma; Cancer Survivorship; Yoga
Diane Quinn, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: diane.quinn@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Prof. Quinn focuses on the experiences of members of stigmatized groups, self-related cognitions, behavior, and affect. She has examined how identity related constructs determine psychological and health related outcomes for people with concealable stigmatized identities. She has focused on issues related to gender stereotypes, self-objectification, and the stigma of overweight.
Blair Johnson, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: blair.t.johnson@uconn.edu
Research Interests
- Health promotion (HIV prevention, exercise, mindfulness, music performance anxiety)
- Social structure (the role of community attitudes and stigma levels)
- Data science (spatiotemporal methods; meta-analysis; other big data strategies)
Jeffrey Fisher, PhD
Research Professor at InCHIP
Email: jeffrey.fisher@uconn.edu
Research Interests
- HIV Risk Behavior
- HIV Prevention
- Treatment Adherence
- Intervention Development and Implementation
Lisa Eaton, PhD
Human Development and Family Studies Department
Email: lisa.eaton@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Her research is primarily focused on Black/African American gay/bisexual men and transgender women at-risk for HIV. This work is almost exclusively focused on stigma as a barrier to health care access.
Dean Cruess, PhD
Psychological Sciences Department
Email: dean.cruess@uconn.edu
Research Interests
Examining associations between psychosocial factors (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, sleep, personality characteristics) and physical health status and the underlying physiological mechanisms involved in these relationships.
Michael Copenhaver, PhD
Allied Health Department
Email: michael.copenhaver@uconn.edu
Research Interests
His research is aimed at developing and adapting evidence-based behavioral HIV prevention interventions for optimal use in clinical settings (drug treatment, prison) where high risk drug users may be more effectively reached.